
"It's not intentions that matter. It's actions. We are what we do and say, not what we intend to" ✒️

Intention- the word carries way more depth than deemed. You may forgive a person for his many mistakes because he had a "good intention". You may leave a person in spite of all the (superficial) sweetness because he carried a "bad intention".  There's more. Some people will continue what has been hurting you hiding behind this word or will claim acceptance of unacceptable deeds just because their intentions were clean. 

You need to move beyond this word. Beyond what they say. 

Consider this example- you have been crying for ages and the actions of your partner has been hurting you for a long time. Your love is pure, both of you know that. Yet, the partner shows no respect towards your feelings, your tears and they repeat the same actions, claiming "my intentions were not bad". 

At times, they may apologise (and repeat it again- the cycle goes on), but that apology is forced. Don't accept forced apology and don't apologise forcefully. They create more friction than harmony. Certain words hold more gravity than perceived.

As said, "Great intentions become tragic action when delivered without careful thought".

The world is complex. Humans are more complex. 

Here's a blatant truth. Everyone, I repeat, everyone, thinks about themselves first. They may care about you, no doubt, but they are more focussed on themselves and their little world. If we do a division of thoughts, 60% thoughts are self-directed, 30% are directed towards relationships (family) and only 10% is time spent in empathy (where one person actually feels the emotions, problems and perspective of another person). This 10% emcompasses hundreds of people they know. Even if you are in someone's thoughts, it is basically about how your relationship affects them, not you. 

So stop revolving around a particular person, they don't revolve around you.

Your partner may have a "good intention" in your entire relationship, but will these two words hold the two people involved? Is it sufficient? Does intentions, goodwill, empathy and sympathy suffice in maintaining a relationship. These are traits of basic humanity which are universal and not exclusive for special ones. So if you are stuck in a one-sided relationship, where one person is pouring love and expecting the same and the other one is playing it safe, you need to give it a thought. Things only go sour with time once it has passed the ripening stage. 

You will be tired finding answers to your questions, and just as you will find all the answers, your questions will change.

Don't be mad on yourselves if you are/were angry. If you are angry, you have the right to be angry.

Learn to control your love or else, it will control you. 

Being overly sensitive to other people’s actions and opinions can make things harder. Your hurt feelings can pile up over time, which can ultimately lead to resentment, then anger, then sadness, and finally a deep state of depression.

What hurts you might not even faze them. At the end of the day, it's you who will be at loss.

If you are still holding on to things that hurt you, let go of them. You may feel that you were wronged and it was unfair, but what's the point now? Can you do anything about it? Learn from your past to make better decisions in your future. The past should not haunt your present.


  1. U have solved my problem. Love u roomie😘

  2. Baa...u r just awesome...u get me know so many new thoughts that should be remembered in our lives before we fall for anybody...hats off to you dearieeeee ❤️❤️i wish u cherish everyone with ur new thoughts...god bless you dear😘😘😘

    1. thank you for the lovely words dear ♥️♥️

  3. an excellent read. Glad I started my morning reading this πŸ’•

  4. πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

  5. It's so inspiring ma'am. You may not know me but you are my idol...hoping to meet you someday

  6. Intensions don't matter but they decide our course actions nd frame us as we r....πŸ‘

  7. Have read all your blogs. You are sensational.
    Have you authored any book Mrs. Darshana?

    Love from LA

    1. Thank you so much ☺️ No sir/ma'am, not yet. Thanks for your lovely words.

      (P.S. it's Miss πŸ˜…)

  8. Your maturity is way beyond your years. One of a kind you are! A rare gem.

  9. How can anyone be so perfect 😍 You captivate us all the time.

  10. I've a question mam, it's a bit personal. How can I hate someone I used to love?

    1. You can never hate someone you have loved truly, at least in my opinion.

      You can only unlove them, but only by a small percentage. This will happen when you find someone whom you will/ you can love more.

      You can never erase that feeling completely, provided it was true and pure. Unfortunately.

    2. You are so right. Thanks a lot. Wish I could think the way you do

  11. "The word is complex and humans are more complex "True indeed autograph milega ? Amazing writing skills Woow

    1. πŸ™ŠπŸ™ŠπŸ™ŠπŸ™Š Thank you so much, again. πŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒ


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