Everyone's heard of Karma . Ask anyone, and they will say they know about it. Or atleast, they think they know. People think Karma is "fate". If you do good, you will receive good. If you do bad, you will face tough situations. You may have faced situations where you were hurt or betrayed and then you ask yourselves, "Why me? I have never hurt or betrayed anybody in my life." Karma is questioned. " Karma " has got a lot more to ponder about than just using the word for tattoos or to write cool phrases. As said by Barbara O' Brien: the word "karma" means "action," not "fate." In Buddhism, karma is an energy created by willful action, through thoughts, words and deeds. We are all creating karma every minute, and the karma we create affects us every minute. It's common to think of "my karma " as something you did in your last life that seals your fate in this life, but this is not Buddhist ...